Organisation: The Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, has a strong profile in the sustainable management of renewable resources. In FunDivEUROPE the Department of Forest and Soil Sciences/Institute of Silviculture will be the main partner. The mission of the Institute of Silviculture is to develop management strategies for a sustainable, multipurpose forest management of temperate and mountain forest ecosystems under current and changing environmental conditions. In a holistic approach the Institute of Silviculture aims at an integration of ecosystem modelling, silviculture and (multi-criteria) planning for decision support in forest management, bridging the gap between science and application. The Institute was/is partner in several EU projects (e.g. CCTAME, EFORWOOD, INSEA, MOTIVE, SilviStrat) and has long-lasting experience in national and international RTD collaboration.
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