Summer School

International Summer School on the functional significance of forest biodiversity

The Summer School takes place from  from 22nd – 29th September 2013 at  Białowieża National Park in Poland.

The program addresses lectures and practical courses related to forest ecology, plant – plant interactions and plant – animal interactions. The summer school offers the great opportunity to study forest dynamics in this fascinating National Park, visits to the strict reserve are included.

The Summer School is open to non-FunDivEUROPE-members, providing there is sufficient space.

FunDivEurope Summer School Programm

FunDivEurope Summer School Registration

Important Deadlines

17TH May 2013: Deadline for Registration

20th May: Dispatchment of Acceptance Letter;

includes all important information on how to get there, accommodation and payment details.

All FunDivEurope PhD students will be accepted. The number of external participants will depend on number of places left and decision on acceptance (or not) will be communicated before May 15th.

30th June: Booking of Accommodation

details were given previously in Acceptance letter, cost of accommodation should not exceed 25-35 Euro/night including breakfast

31st August: Return Form stating your Travel details

to allow organization of transport from Warszawa to Białowieża

Note to all non-FunDivEUROPE applicants: Because space may be limited, please send a letter detailing the relevance of this Summer School in your academic progression to the program coordinator. You will receive a confirmation of your inscription after the deadline if there is still enough room for accommodation.

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